
Providing Chinese Character Animation On Your Own Website

You can provide Chinese Character Animation free of charge on your website by including the following code anywhere in a webpage. For all intent and purpose,it will appear to your users that the animation is coming from your websites.


<IFRAME SRC="http://www.eon.com.hk/common/fcg/estroke.fcg?task=getPage&page=demo/estroke.html" frameborder=0 scrolling=no WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=680></IFRAME> TEMPLATE 2 (You can specify the size of the animation box via appsize) <IFRAME SRC="http://www.eon.com.hk/common/fcg/estroke.fcg?task=getPage&page=demo/estrokeAdvert.html&bgcolor=ffffff&bias=Simplified&plan=Nine Square&transientColor=ff0000&strokeColor=000000&radicalColor=0000ff&planColor=00ff00&appsize=200" frameborder=0 scrolling=no WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=256></IFRAME> TEMPLATE 2 HTML5 (Mobile and Tablet Friendly version) <IFRAME SRC="http://www.eon.com.hk/common/fcg/estroke.fcg?task=getPage&page=demo/template2.html&bgcolor=ffffff&bias=Simplified&plan=Nine Square&transientColor=ff0000&strokeColor=000000&radicalColor=0000ff&planColor=00ff00&appsize=200" frameborder=0 scrolling=no WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=256></IFRAME> The parameters are
  • plan: Nine Square, Star(Default) or Blank.
  • bias: Simplified or Traditional(Default)
  • colors are specified via their hex value, no #.
  • appsize: Animation Size (integer number).
  • noinput: false, true.
See this for an example of how you can interact with this template.

TEMPLATE 3 (Chinese Matching Games)

<IFRAME SRC="http://www.eon.com.hk/common/fcg/estroke.fcg?task=getPage&page=demo/matchGame.html&bgcolor=ffffff" frameborder=0 scrolling=no WIDTH=480 HEIGHT=720></IFRAME> The parameter is
  • bgcolor (hex value, no #).