After a few days, I noticed some new discuses were not doing well. Tried water change but regardless of how many times I change, the water contains a lot of stringy material that collects at the top. Then some discuses appears to develop white patches that is visible when looking at the angle. First, I tried salt treatment and methylene blue. It doesn't work. Then I purchased protozin and followed the instruction. Nothing works. In desperation, I turn off the filter and repeat the protozin treatment.
To my surprise, I notice that the white fungus on one discus has receded noticably and the fish were clearly getting better the next day. I changed water completely and then added 2 drops of tea tree oil. The next day, the fungus has receded further and barely noticeable. What's left is the scar but I am happy that the fish are recovering.The other one where the tail is rotting is also better. I also notice that the fungus on the lesser affected discus has disappeared completely as well. I repeat the treatment for seven days and happy to say that all the discuses are now happy and eating well.